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Creative English Teacher — Mythology

It's a Wonderful Classroom

Innovators Mythology Teacher Life Teaching Ideas

It's a Wonderful Classroom

Always remember: Creative teaching requires extra effort from you, the teacher. It is a privilege, not a right. From time to time, students must be reminded of this.

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How To Write a Book for Kids

Mythology The Hero's Journey World Literature Writing

How To Write a Book for Kids

Do you have a book for kids you've always wanted to write? Perhaps these 10 tips will help you achieve your dream!

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Why Young People Need Hero Stories Now More Than Ever

Encouragement Five Reasons To Teach Series Mythology Teaching Ideas The Hero's Journey

Why Young People Need Hero Stories Now More Than Ever

Navigating the journey of life is tough, and students need to be prepared. As schools build up their support systems, there is an additional (and perhaps unexpected) way to fortify young people against the challenges of life: teach them hero stories. 

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The Power of Hero Stories

Mythology The Hero's Journey

The Power of Hero Stories

Two of the greatest storytellers of all-time, J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and C.S. Lewis, author of The Chronicles of Narnia, said that stories have a special power—a healing power. 

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Jeopardy Superchamp Uses Our Materials, Too!

Mythology Readers Theater Script-Stories

Jeopardy Superchamp Uses Our Materials, Too!

James Holzhauer, the reigning champion of Jeopardy!, cited some of my textbooks as one place where he gathered some knowledge for his record-setting streak on the popular gameshow.

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