Above: Some of my students enjoying a Reader's Theater script-story about the Trojan War.
- Reimagine Reading: Script-stories turn required reading into Reader’s Theater scripts, making students active participants. This strategy, often overlooked in grades 6-12, skyrockets engagement and builds fluency, which studies link directly to improved comprehension.*
- Build Fluency: Not only do script-stories send engagement skyrocketing, they also build fluency as students read aloud and listen as the teacher also models fluency. Recent studies in the Science of Reading field have also shown a link between fluency and comprehension (Rasinski, 2012).
- Too “Elementary” for Secondary? There is a perception that secondary students will not go for such an “elementary” strategy, but just the opposite is true. Students are immediately drawn to the interactivity and immersion of this activity.
What Is a Script-Story?
- What is a Script-Story? Our spin on Reader’s Theater. No costumes or acting required—just expressive reading. Designed for grades 6-12, scripts cover common English content and are a daily dose of fluency practice.
- Why not call it “Reader’s Theater”? The term theater can make students think they are putting on a traditional play with costumes or physical acting, making some students hesitant.
Benefits of a Script-Story
- All of your students are on the same page—literally. No one has to be self-conscious about their reading speed.
- Teach in the moment. Stop the script. Point out a teachable term or an important concept. Come up with your own or use the ones listed on our teacher guides.
- Stories Become a Group Experience. Stories are more powerful when they are experienced as a group.
- Laughter Becomes a Part of the Classroom. Spend the day laughing with your students as you learn together.
- Deeper Connections: Students feel a connection to the story because they have “experienced” it together.
- Classroom Discussion: Students can analyze the story better because they feel a deeper connection to it.
Roles for Everyone:
- Students who want a reading part have a chance to use their talents. Their fluency increases as they practice reading with emotion and meaning.
- Students who want to just read along can do so as well. Their fluency increases as they hear the words read aloud with proper prosody.
- Students who are not strong readers can still participate through sound effects and lines that all students read together.
- What about the teacher? Each script-story has a strong “Narrator” part that is ideally read by the teacher.
Beyond Fluency
- Using interactivity, cooperative storytelling, and humor, Script-stories truly have a transformative effect on classroom culture.
- Many students find their voice, develop a love of reading, and form friendships with fellow students along the way.
What Are You Waiting For? Try a Script-Story Today!
- All you need is a copy of a script for each student and a desire to try something new!
- Check out our collection of 20 free scripts pulled from history, myths, legends, folktales, and classic literature!
- If the technique works for you, make sure to check out our complete collections in the website store!
Spread the Word
- The infographic below sums up why Script-Stories are so effective. Feel free to share it with others and help spread the word!
Sources: Rasinski, Tim (2012). “Why Reading Fluency Should Be Hot!” The Reading Teacher, Vol. 65 (8), pgs. 516-522.