Ancient Greece: Famous Greeks, Greek Tragedies, Oedipus, and Antigone
Since the Greeks started pretty much everything we cherish in Western culture, it's important to study them--both from a literary and historical perspective. Above all the Greeks were great storytellers. The Iliad and Odyssey fill students with wonder while Oedipus Rex and Antigone shows them the deep debt that we owe to Greek drama. These teacher resources will help you teach a creative and informative ancient Greek unit. For even more materials on Greek mythology visit my other website
This packet of information provides a good background for both English and history teachers who want to teach students about ancient Greece. Also available in the website store is a series of 50 questions (and a key) that you can use with this packet of information. For more information click here.
Assign these ancient Greek fates (which are frequently gruesome) to your students. Then have them introduce themselves to one another and read their fate. This is a great way to make the historical reality of ancient Greece more personal to the students. Plus, it makes them appreciate the modern world a whole lot more!
This worksheet gives biographical information on a few important ancient Greek innovators, including Socrates, Plato, Hippocrates, and Herodotus.
Students are never too old to enjoy and gain wisdom from these classic ancient Greek fables.
This instructional myth demonstrates the lure of unbridled power.
This famous Greek story tells of the power of brotherly love.
This worksheet gives students a brief overview of Greek Theater.
ANTIGONE PROJECT BUNDLE (SALE ITEM) Need a good way to wrap up your Antigone unit? This bundle gives your students three options. In the first option they must turn Antigone, a thoroughly depressing play into a musical. In the second they must re-imagine Antigone as a Disney princess. In the third they must analyze the play for its deeper themes. This bundle is a great choice for differentiated learning!
This worksheet gives a summary of the events of Oedipus Rex with some discussion questions.
If you are teaching the Iliad, this presentation will give you an overview of the main characters.
THE REACHING OLYMPUS SERIES: This textbook series dramatizes favorite stories from Greek mythology into Reader's Theater script-stories. Each textbook also includes extra worksheets and activities for the classroom. Reaching Olympus: Tales of Titans, Gods, and Mortals and Reaching Olympus: Heroes, Beasts, and Monsters re-tell basic tales from Greek mythology. Reaching Olympus: The Saga of the Trojan War re-tells the full story of the Iliad and Odyssey.
To learn more visit the website store or buy physical copies through

GREEK GOD AND GODDESS POSTERS: This set of 16 posters presents cartoon version of the Greek gods and goddesses along with their titles. This item has FREE SHIPPING to all addresses in the United States. For more information visit the website store.
GREEK MYTHOLOGY UNIT EXAMS: Also available are unit exams over Greek mythology. For more information visit the website store.