Mythical Creatures from Around the World
Mythical creatures are an endless source of wonder for learners of all ages. The projects on this page will pique your students' interest and lead them to discover the real-life history behind some of these creatures!
MYTHICAL CREATURE RESEARCH PROJECT Using this project as a guideline, give your students the opportunity to research nearly thirty mythical creatures from across the globe!
MEDIEVAL BESTIARY This activity asks students to learn the medieval significance of beasts, both real and fantastical.

ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON (A READER'S THEATER SCRIPT-STORY) This is where it all started: the valiant knight who must face a fearsome dragon. When a fire-breathing dragon descends upon the city of Selene, the king concedes to its demands: the sacrifice of the kingdom's children and his beloved daughter, the princess Cleo. All seems lost—that is, until the heroic knight, George, arrives to save the day. Adapted from the original medieval legend, this script re-tells the famous tale with wit and humor.
RUSSIAN FOLKLORE CREATURES The creatures from Russian folklore are some of the most fun and inventive. This worksheet presents them in all their glory! It includes a teacher and student copy.
MERLIN'S GUIDE TO MYTHICAL CREATURES FROM MANY LANDS Both informative and entertaining, this fully-illustrated guidebook written specifically for readers 8-12 features 50 creatures, both ancient and modern, from a variety of world cultures. Join Merlin as he recounts his centuries of adventuring around the world in search of these elusive creatures. The book also contains a pronunciation guide, a creature index, messages from the creatures themselves, and much more! Find out more by clicking here!