Creative English Teacher — Teaching Ideas
Roll Your Way to Olympic Victory with Roll-ympics!
Roll-ympics is a series of dice challenges where students can try to beat the odds and press their luck. Each event is designed to mimic a particular athletic event.
A Greek God Social Deduction Game and How You Can Create Your Own!
Gamification Mythology Teaching Ideas
Is there a type of content you need to gamify? This game format is easily adaptable to whatever content you might be teaching.
Gridlingo! A Battle of Words
Gamification Teacher Life Teaching Ideas
This year I added a new game to my arsenal: Gridlingo! It’s a spin on a classic word-creation game, where students build words on a 5 x 5 grid one letter at a time. Gridlingo combines the fun of wordfinds and crossword puzzles with strategic word-building games. The longer the words students can make, the more points they receive.
Book Review: Build Reading Fluency: Practice and Performance with Reader's Theater and More
Book Review Elementary Readers Theater Script-Stories Teaching Ideas
One of the most effective ways to improve students’ reading ability is through repeated readings of the same text. But what reader would want to re-read a passage over and over again? Enter Reader’s Theater. In this post, I will review Build Reading Fluency by Drs. Tim Rasinski and Chase Young.
Gamifying Literature: An Introduction
I’ve often wondered, is there a way to take kids’ natural love of games and channel it into a love of literature? That is what I’m going to explore over a series of blog posts: What are some ways to gamify literature?