Why "Creative Teacher"?

Creativity is the most important ability for any teacher to possess, yet so many teachers say, "I am not creative." That's because they have a skewed concept of creativity.
Creativity is not some secret skill that some have and others don’t. Creativity is simply a sustained effort toward an ideal. First, creative teachers imagine their ideal classroom. Then through trial-and-error they discover ways to turn their ideal into a reality. Whatever doesn’t work gets thrown out. What does work gets duplicated and perfected.
Keeping this process in mind, you can see that creativity is not some magical, lightning-strike moment with immediate results. It’s hard work! Yet through this ongoing creative effort, teachers become active agents of change: creator-teachers who shape every facet of the learning experience.
This is the philosophy we live by, and we encourage you to do the same. Keep what works and modify what doesn't until it does.