Creative English
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Creative English Teacher

Finishing Strong


Finishing Strong

At this time of the school year it seems like everything is on a downhill slide and only building momentum. How can you find the energy and drive to keep teaching?

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Book Review: The Writer's Journey by Chris Vogler

Book Review Mythology Teaching Ideas

Book Review:  The Writer's Journey by Chris Vogler

Although I am a teacher of typical English courses as well, it was a mythology course that gave me the biggest challenge of my life. (You can read more about that adventure here.) Teaching mythology challenged me to develop my teaching style—prompting the creation of almost all the materials you will find on this website. So, needless to say, mythology is special to me. Beasts, quests, and monsters are all part of mythology, but at its heart is the hero. Not surprisingly, one of my favorite things to teach is heroes and the concept of the Hero’s Journey. If you...

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How to Use Script-Stories in the Classroom

Readers Theater Script-Stories Teaching Ideas

How to Use Script-Stories in the Classroom

This post will focus more on how to use script-stories in your classroom!Implementing a new style of learning (even for a single lesson) may seem daunting at first; however, script-stories are not difficult to use. In fact, they streamline the oral reading that most teachers do already. Many teachers read aloud to their students, and many also call on their students to read aloud. Script-stories simply streamline that process by dividing the story into parts. This breaks up the work for the teacher while engaging the students on a deeper level.

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Five Reasons for Teaching Dante's Inferno

Five Reasons To Teach Series Readers Theater Script-Stories World Literature

Five Reasons for Teaching Dante's Inferno

A trip through Hell may seem like an awkward topic to navigate, but don’t abandon hope all ye who enter here:  Teaching the Inferno is one of my favorite units of the year. So here are five reasons to teach Dante’s Inferno.

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Defeating the Doldrums

Encouragement Teaching Ideas

Defeating the Doldrums

The doldrums are a region of the sea where the prevailing winds become erratic or fade away completely. Since January is sometimes seen as the doldrums of the school year, here is some encouragement to get us through!

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