Creative English
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Creative English Teacher — World Literature

How to Teach the Odyssey Creatively with Script-Stories, Art Analysis, and Classroom Games

Mythology Readers Theater Script-Stories World Literature

How to Teach the Odyssey Creatively with Script-Stories, Art Analysis, and Classroom Games

The language of the Odyssey is sometimes difficult for teenage readers to understand, and when students struggle with comprehension, they miss out on the poem’s deeper meanings. That's why we suggest using Reader's Theater script-stories in conjunction with the original poem. Here's how!

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Animal Farm, Planet of the Apes, and 1984: A Totalitarian Timeline?

British Literature Teaching Ideas World Literature

Animal Farm, Planet of the Apes, and 1984: A Totalitarian Timeline?

Are Animal Farm, Planet of the Apes, and 1984 three parts of a totalitarian timeline?

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Five Reasons To Teach Frankenstein

British Literature Five Reasons To Teach Series World Literature

Five Reasons To Teach Frankenstein

Even with over two centuries of age on it, Frankenstein still continues to evoke emotion and provoke important conversations. So, without further ado, here are five reasons to teach Frankenstein.

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How To Write a Book for Kids

Mythology The Hero's Journey World Literature Writing

How To Write a Book for Kids

Do you have a book for kids you've always wanted to write? Perhaps these 10 tips will help you achieve your dream!

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Five Reasons for Teaching Dante's Inferno

Five Reasons To Teach Series Readers Theater Script-Stories World Literature

Five Reasons for Teaching Dante's Inferno

A trip through Hell may seem like an awkward topic to navigate, but don’t abandon hope all ye who enter here:  Teaching the Inferno is one of my favorite units of the year. So here are five reasons to teach Dante’s Inferno.

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