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Creative English Teacher — Five Reasons To Teach Series

Five Reasons for Teaching Early American Literature

American Literature Five Reasons To Teach Series

Five Reasons for Teaching Early American Literature

Teaching Early American Literature isn’t easy. Native American literature covers many different tribal traditions and customs, so where do you start? Even those who deeply respect the Puritans, probably can’t categorize their writings as “fun.” And the more you learn about the first explorers here in America, the more you seem to dislike them. So why not just skip America’s early years? Aren’t they just our country’s awkward transition time? Well, not exactly.

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Five Reasons For Teaching Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

British Literature Five Reasons To Teach Series

Five Reasons For Teaching Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Medieval British Literature might not be your thing, but it’s time to give the Pearl Poet’s masterpiece Sir Gawain and the Green Knight a second look! Here are five reasons to teach Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

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Five Reasons for Teaching Dante's Inferno

Five Reasons To Teach Series Readers Theater Script-Stories World Literature

Five Reasons for Teaching Dante's Inferno

A trip through Hell may seem like an awkward topic to navigate, but don’t abandon hope all ye who enter here:  Teaching the Inferno is one of my favorite units of the year. So here are five reasons to teach Dante’s Inferno.

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Five Reasons for Teaching The Canterbury Tales

British Literature Five Reasons To Teach Series

Five Reasons for Teaching The Canterbury Tales

Although spring showers haven’t exactly pierced the drought of March to the root—in fact, winter’s coming on fast—I am inspired to write about The Canterbury Tales. Why? Because it’s a blast to teach in my British Literature class! Yes, you heard me right. An “old, moldy” classic is a blast to teach! So without further ado I give you five reasons to teach this entertaining (and sometimes raunchy) classic! The Canterbury Tales perfectly captures the emergence of the Middle Class. Many great works of literature perfectly capture a particular time period. When Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales, the Middle...

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Five Reasons To Teach Egyptian Mythology and Culture

Five Reasons To Teach Series Mythology World Literature

Five Reasons To Teach Egyptian Mythology and Culture

Five Reasons for Teaching Egyptian Mythology and Culture Although I have taught various kinds of mythology—the typical Greek, Roman, and Norse varieties—it was not until I was encouraged by a fellow educator (thanks, Chris), that I decided to give Egyptian mythology another look. What I found is that ancient Egyptian culture is fascinating! (Why hadn’t I realized this before? No jokes about being in “de Nile” please.) Furthermore, I realized that the ancient Egyptian stories not only entertain, but also address some of the problems we still face today. Since my sophomore world literature course revolves around the theme of...

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