12 Labors of Hercules Escape Room Puzzle Game
No Greek hero is more popular than Hercules (or Heracles in Greek), and none of his adventures is more famous than his twelve labors. This "escape room" activity asks students to solve twelve creative puzzles (a combination of word scrambles, fill-in-the-blank word puzzles, and pictograph puzzles featuring original artwork). The first student or team who solves all twelve puzzles and uses the answers to decode a secret message wins the game! This game would be a great companion activity to a Greek mythology unit or a viewing of Disney’s Hercules. The puzzles’ complexity will challenge students in grades 6-12.
Included with this download are the following materials:
- 12 Labors of Hercules game sheet
- 12 Labors of Hercules game sheet KEY
- A 2-page story-worksheet outlining the 12 Labors of Hercules for students to use in order to solve the puzzle
- 12 posters featuring 12 different puzzles (including word scrambles, fill-in-the-blank word puzzles, and pictograph puzzles featuring original artwork)
Number of Players: 4-40 players
How you play: Hang up the puzzles around your classroom and give each student or team a copy of the game sheet and the story of the 12 Labors of Hercules.
Time: 30-50 min. (depending on age group)
Related Product: Also check out our viewing guide for Disney’s Hercules. This packet, which students fill out as they view, asks deep-thinking questions about the film and gives valuable background information about Greek mythology and the Disney filmmaking process.