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Creative English Teacher

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Reader's Theater Script-Story)

Regular price $4.99

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, which tale is fairest of them all?

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves has enchanted people for generations, but the original tale is darker—and bit more grisly—than you might remember.  After Snow White falls victim to the jealousy of her wicked stepmother, an evil queen schooled in forbidden magic, seven dwarves give her asylum in their woodland cottage, but the evil queen has more tricks up her sleeve–including the infamous poisoned apple. True to our “Grimm with a grin” approach, this script-story preserves the original events of the fairy tale with plenty of humor and wit thrown in for good measure.

Readers: 14 reading parts

Age:  Grades 6-12 (please see disclaimer below)

Length:  30-45 minutes   

Disclaimer:  As an original detail of the fairy tale, the evil queen eats a pig’s heart, believing it to be Snow White’s. Although this part is not presented graphically, this story detail may not be appropriate for your students. For this reason, an alternate version of the script with this detail omitted is included with the download.

This story teaches:

  • Perseverance
  • Bravery
  • Helpfulness

Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Viewing Guide  As the first full-length animated feature, this film is more than a masterpiece—it is a watershed moment in cinema and Walt Disney’s legacy. Along with questions that ask students to analyze the film, there are fun facts about the film’s creation. The viewing guide also charts Walt Disney’s creative struggle to make his film a rousing success. 

Bonus Activity:  Snow White: Disney vs. Grimm Worksheet Use this graphic organizer to compare and contrast Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) with the original fairy tale. Note:  Students are not required to watch the film to complete the activity. All the necessary information appears on the worksheet. To purchase this worksheet with the script-story, choose the "script-story + worksheet" option above.

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